Toptal acquires, enhancing custom software leadership

Treasure Hunt (AR)

Project Overview

Treasure Hunt is a mobile AR game for malls. The game was developed for Android and iOS and is a good way to pass the time. People walk in a mall and point their phone cameras at different places or paths. They can find 2 types of items – coins and bags.

In the app, people can follow their progress and see the number of collected things. Also, users can exchange it for real prizes and goods at a mall Information Center.


A chain of shopping malls in the USA.


Trade, commerce, entertainment.


The task was to create a powerful tool to retain visitors to the mall and convert them into regular customers. Along with that to entertain people who spend much time in the mall doing shopping.

Tech Stack

  • Retrofit2
  • rxjava2
  • room
  • Glide
  • mvp
  • ARCore
  • ARKit
  • GameCoreLogic
  • Lottie Animations
  • CoreAnimations
  • ARModelsGenerating
  • CoreLocation
  • 3d Models Collada for xCode
  • Swift
  • Git
  • Rest API
  • SDWebImage
  • GoogleMaps/Places


The visitors got entertained during their stay in the shopping mall. The number of returning visitors increased by 15%.


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