Toptal acquires, enhancing custom software leadership

Hello Day

This app allows you to maintain your well-being over the four seasons and in particular manage your health by stating your discomforts, follow the Hello Day remedy product line, assess your needs to identify how to improve your general well-being and follow the advice of natural health experts.

Inside the app you will find:

  • Lifestyle and dietary tips;
  • A unique system to determine specific products tailored to you;
  • Daily advice and/or contextual advice based on different indicators such as climate;
  • Support suggestions and objectives for the duration of your treatment;
  • A vibrant calendar for the best management of your remedies and optimal use of Hello Day products;
  • Assessment quizzes on natural ingredients for small everyday aches and pains;
  • Assessment quizzes to identify how to improve your general well-being;
  • A trend chart of your state of well-being.


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